Community Life
First United meets for worship every Sunday at 11:00 am. We have an active choir, as well as United Church Women and Men’s Club. We also host many weekly groups, as well as special events.
Ongoing Groups
First United Choir
About two dozen members gather under the direction of Cindy Sheppard. Our repertoire features classical choral arrangements primarily accompanied by organ and piano. Between September and June we practice each week, the time will be updated in the Fall. New choristers are always welcomed.
United Church Women (UCW)
The UCW meets monthly from Sept-June. Meetings consist of worship, business & various programs. The UCW is presently sponsoring 3 children in Haiti through HATS (Hands Across The Sea). The group contributes financially to the church by various fund raising efforts such as a Christmas Bazaar, Carnival Chili dinner, spring and fall used clothing sale. For funerals, the UCW forms a choir and caters a reception after, if requested by the family. These are just some of the activities of this group.
Men’s Service Club at First United
The Men's Club operates from Sept-June. Our monthly meals are open to all men and feature Jiggs Dinner, Pan Fried Cod, Moose Stew, Rabbit Dinner and Roast Beef at an average cost of about $10. They’re held for the sole purpose of getting together and sharing a meal, and they quickly sell out. The Rabbit Dinner, two Carnival Breakfasts offered during Corner Brook Carnival (in February), and Shrove Tuesday Pancakes are open to everyone. (Again, tickets go fast.) The Men’s Club also runs Fall and Spring Garage Sales, and an annual Silent Auction held in November.
Weekly Groups
Bible Study
We have not resumed Bible Study since Covid. We will post here when we restart. Most likely in the fall of 2023.
Art Classes for Seniors
These classes are on hold for the time being. We are working to restart our seniors programming.
Accordion Group
We started off with little skill and a lot of heart. We’ve improved on our skills and kept the heart. We practice every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the lower hall, usually playing traditional Irish and Newfoundland tunes. Come and join us!
Occasional Events
Dinner and Kitchen Party
We are hoping to get some new events on the go as we work on getting back to normal after
Art in the Church
Art Shows are normally held a couple times each year, usually in summer and early fall to coincide with the arrival of cruise ships. First United temporarily becomes Corner Brook’s largest gallery, with tea and scones served by the UCW. We are working to restart these shows after our Covid closure.
We have a fantastic stage in our sanctuary and we have hosted some wonderful concerts in the past including The Once, The Ennis Sisters and the Shalloway Choir. If you are interested in putting on a concert please contact the office for further information.