Corner Brook United Church is a congregation in First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council. We have representatives serving on committees of this council.
Locally, we operate through a Unified Board. All congregational business comes through this channel. Any business not brought to the Board through the minister, UCW or Men’s Club is conducted through eight committees.
The Trustees meet several times each year, and also as needed, to take care of the major assets of First United Church.
Ministry and Personnel Committee meets quarterly to review staff performance, working environment and concerns.
The Worship Committee meets a few times each year to coordinate seasonal concerns, as well as review ongoing services.
The Christian Development Committee meet when needed in order to coordinate ongoing Christian Education for children.
The Property Committee meets when needed, but on any given day can probably be found in and around the building working on this or that.
First United Stewardship Committee meets a few times each year, primarily to oversee the distribution of trust funds designated for the purpose of sending children to summer camp. (Corner Brook United does not benefit from this in any way, except that we’re honoured to be able to serve as a conduit to enable kids to attend West Haven Camp.)
Parkview Apartments is a not-for-profit housing corporation with separate board. It is affiliated with - but not administered through – Corner Brook United Church.